Development Planning? - We do have a training program! (So what....)
In the current slump, large salary increases are often not possible. This is a good time for companies to score with professional development. Because promoting employees works: strengths make people successful, and success makes people strong.
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Talent management is terrible? - Go for Development!
Talent management? - So far, performance measurement and potential assessment have played a decisive role. But performance appraisals are often a funless affair that even managers tend to avoid. There is a better process - just read on.
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Talent Management is terrible? - Positive personnel development works, though!
Many organisations tried to offer employees systematic talent management, based on the evaluation of performance and potential. Unfortunately, this often was demotivating.
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"Then I'll just go somewhere else..." - Act now against experts' frustration!
How do you reduce frustration among skilled workers, experts and specialists? With a system. As managers and HR decision-makers, shed light on the topics that are really important for them. Which topics are "classics" when it comes to frustration among skilled workers? You can find the answers here.
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The age of experts is here - no more frustration
With their knowledge, experts are crucial to the success of companies. But many are frustrated because they are not recognised. Fake specialist careers are not the solution. Go for expert careers.
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Introducing specialist career paths - make it work
Many organisations are interested in specialist career paths - but implementation often fails. These are critical points.
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Empower your experts: specialist career paths
"How can I develop further?" - Specialists expect a tangible development perspective, not just any personnel development. Specialist career paths offers such structured development. Offer them now!
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